Continuing of the theme Esau with the heathen seeking to destroy the heritage, culture and connection of the Holy Nation of the Israelites to our power Yahawah ba ha sham Yahawashi (Yahawah in the name of Yahawashi the Messiah).
Psalms 83:4 | They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
1 Maccabees 3:48 | And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.
Job 9:24 | The earth is giuen into the hand of the wicked: he couereth the faces of the Iudges thereof; if not, where, and who is hee?
Ezekiel 36:5 | Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all Idumea, which have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey.
While I don’t agree with everything put forth by S. E. Suzar (divination, anti-messiah wickedness, etc.), she nevertheless created a well-researched (scientific superiority of melanated people, curly/kinky hair) and revealing read posted at titled “Blacked out Through Whitewash”. Filter everything through the Holy Scriptures and spit out the bones.
Blacked out Through Whitewash
by S. E. Suzar

If this pre-released abridged version is not at your local African bookstore, because the need is critical, it may be copied and distributed — especially to those you care about — to help them wake up! Have at least 10 copies made doubleside if possible and give (or sell) to 10 people. If 100 people did this and their 10-friends each did the same and so on for just 5 generations, there will TEN MILLION people exposed to this vital information that can make a vital difference! (100×10 = 1,000×10 = 10,000×10 = 100,000×10 = 1,000,000×10 = 10,000,000!) Sections may also be copied as long as credit is given to the book or author. A great place to make your copies is Kinko’s Copies — so named after the kinky hair of the Lebanese founder! The published, unabridged version of this work may not be copied. If the quality of your xeroxed copy is faded, a clear copy (or even the book) may be available at some African book stores.
Part I: Exposing the Greatest Coverups in “His-Story”
…. according to the Bible, called the “Lamb” of God, with kinky hair compared with lamb’s wool, feet the color of burnt brass (Rev. 1:14,15) and a likeness resembling jasper and sardine stone (sard/sardonyx), which are commonly “brownish” stones. (Rev. 4:3). ALL the earliest pictures and statues of Christ depict him as Black.
In the catacombs of Rome where images of Jesus appear for the first time, black paintings and statues of Christ, the Madonna, Apostles and Biblical characters still survive from early Christian worship. The most sacred icons of the Catholic Church and also, prominent cathedrals in Europe are the Black Madonna and Christ child. In the British Museum, a gold coin struck in the time of the Roman emperor Justinian II, shows Christ with tightly curled, wooly hair. J.A. Rogers reports in Sex and Race Vol.1, p.292 that the Cambridge Encyclopedia Co. says that this coin places beyond doubt “the fact that Jesus Christ was a Negro.” How many white Christians in America would remain Christians if they knew the truth about Jesus? William Mosely supplies additional evidence in What Color Was Jesus?
Like Christ, ALL founders of world religions on ALL continents were BLACK and “woolly” haired, including the earliest gods.
Buddha was Black, that’s why his woolly hair is always shown in small tight curls, pepper corn style or corn rows. Early sculptures of him clearly reveal his Aficoid features …wide nose and full lips. So was Zaha of Japan, Fu-Hsi of China, Tyr of Scandinavia, Quetzalcoatl of Mexico, Sommonacom of Siam and Isis of Egypt and Rome. Krishna of India was “blue-black,” in fact his means black, or the Black One! (see dictionary). He is always portrayed with blue or blue-black skin. Mohammed, founder of Islam was also ‘bluish’ in color with ‘frizzy’ hair. His grandfather was “black as the night.” Moses was
Black according to Mohammedan tradition and early portraits. His hand would turn white, then back to his “other flesh” when God wished to give him a sign. (Ex. 4:6,7). Lao Tse of Taosim was “a divine incarnation …born of a virgin black in complexion and as beautiful as jasper.” (Thorton: History of China Vol.1) The chief title of Osiris, the greatest of Egyptian gods means “Lord of the Perfect Black.” He was also called “The Great Black,” similar to Krishna. The chief title of Zeus, greatest of the Greek gods was “Ethiops” which means “burnt faced.” Early statues of gods in India have Africoid features and woolly or locked hair. The name of the Mexican god Ixtliton means “blacked faced.” In fact, many ancient Mexican gods are portrayed jet black with Africoid features. Once banned, The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves reveals remarkable knowledge on this subject, along with Anacalypis by Godfrey Higgins and African Origins of the Major World Religions by Amon Saakana, ed. Many Bible stories are borrowed from ancient Egypt, Sumer and India, as documented in John Jackson’s Christianity Before Christ.
Nappy hair is ‘divine’ — the choice of God!
Like Christ, “His son” and all the founders of world religions, God Himself has kinky, nappy hair — according to the Bible, where God or the “Ancient of Days” is described as having “hair like the pure wool.” (Dan. 7:9) The Power that causes galaxies to spiral, and planets and atoms to spin; that causes the double helix spiral of the DNA molecules — this same spiraling power causes spiraling hair… otherwise known as NAPPY, kinky, curly, frizzy, wavy, WOOLLY hair! The words, SPIN, SPIRAL, and SPIRITUAL have common roots! The Supreme Power spins; spirals; it is spiritual. It moves or spirals the universe! The entire universe dances in spirals and rotations; everything in it reflects the “SPIRaling, SPIRitual” essence out of which it is made! The “SPIRal,” especially the Golden Spiral, is simultaneously the most profound motion and design in the universe — built into all lifeforms, from seashells to man, to spiraling nappy hair! Your blood spirals through your veins! Plants spiral up from the soil! And nappy hair spirals out from the hair roots! Ball your hand into a fist and slowly extend each finger and you will see for yourself how the tip of each finger opens in a golden spiral path! Straight-haired people also have a spiral on their heads, visible as a whorl pattern with its center in the back of the head, where their straight hair grows out slanting in the whorl’s direction. Wooly haired people have both, the whorl pattern and the individually spiraling strands of helixal, coiled, spring-like, nappy hair … the choice of the gods!
The biblical Jesus was a Nazarite: a vow of Nazarites was to never cut his hair but “let the locks of the hair of his head grow.” (Nm. 6:2,5, Lv. 19:27; 21:5) The word Nazarite is from nazar, meaning unshorn. Wooly nappy hair, if simply washed and dried but never combed or brushed, will naturally entwine into long locks as it grows. Samson, the most famous example of locked hair, had seven locks. (Jg. 13:5, 16:17,19)
Hair is really antennae which can receive and transmit energy! A Rastafarian explains that dredlocks are a quality of Black people; they “are high-tension wires,” which transmits divine energy and inspiration from Jah [God], the creator, to Rasta, the mirror.” (Nicholas/Sparrow: Rastafari — A Way of Life) As Blacks awaken to true self- knowledge and self-acceptance this brings, the negative racist conditioning with respect to their natural spiraling, nappy hair as “bad” and straighter hair as “good” will cease!
Ancient Egypt was a Black African Civilization. The word itself means Black!
The ancient Egyptians called themselves Kam or Kam-Au (Black people/ Black God- people), and their country Kamit (or Khemit), both meaning land of the Blacks and the Black Land. The word Egypt is derived from the Greek word Aigyptos (or Aiguptos) which means Black! Europe’s first historian, Herodotus said “the Egyptians, Colchians, and Ethiopians have thick lips, broad nose, woolly hair and they are of burnt skin.” Egyptian civilization evolved from the Ethiopians. The Bible equates Ham (Africans) with Egypt. (Ps.78:51; 105:23, 27; 106:21, 22) The Black identity of Egyptian mummies is proven by their high melanin content. Also, Egyptians made wigs from sheep wool to match their woolly hair! A superb summary of the first Egyptians, their culture and achievements is documented in Legrand Clegg’s video Egypt During the Golden Age. Other great works include Gerald Massey’s scholarly Egypt, Light of the World, and James Brunson’s Predynastic Egypt. A powerful synthesis of the esoteric sciences of ancient Egypt, India and Canaan, is presented in Metu Neter by Ra Un Nefer Amen.
Whites blew off the Africoid nose of the Sphinx! — and destroyed much ancient Africoid art.
Carved from a single rock, the Sphinx was a portrait of the Black Pharaoh Khafre (Cephren). The blatant, undeniable evidence of Black African achievement, blew off the Africoid nose and part of the lips with cannon fire! Reporting on the “riddle” of the racial identity of the ancient Egyptians, Count C. Volney, a distinguished French scholar who visited Egypt in the late 1700s, wrote with astonishment “…when I visited the Sphinx, its appearance gave me the key to the riddle. Beholding that head typically Negro in all its features…” He later added “…the Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native-born Africans.” The Sphinx’s broad nose and full lips are evident in an early drawing of the Sphinx as it was found in the 19th century.
The willful and systematic destruction of Africoid art has also occurred in the Americas, Asia and India: Inscriptions and hieroglyphics are defaced or bleached, noses are shot off or chiseled down, confusing nomenclatures are pasted over the evidence, photos are taken from misleading angles or filters, and some evidence is outright destroyed. In temples and monuments of beauty and durability where destruction was less desirable than claiming the achievements as their own, Europeans replaced the African inscriptions with new ones which credited themselves for the achievement.
Western (white) civilization is founded on a Black African civilization.
You may recall being taught in school that Western (white) civilization is founded upon the ancient Greek civilization which seemed to suddenly appear. What European historians are trying to hide or deny is that the Greek civilization was primarily the offspring of the advanced Black African civilization of ancient Egypt which preceded it by thousands of years. Even Greek legends relate that Egyptian and Phoenician conquerors ruled all or parts of Greece until the 14th or 15th century B.C. Books about Western civilization’s African origins include Cheikh Anta Diop: The African Origin of Civilization — Myth or Reality and Martin Bernal: Black Athena Vol. 1, 2.
So-called Greek philosophy is stolen Egyptian philosophy!
The Greek plagiarism of Egyptian science, philosophy and religion is well documented by George James in Stolen Legacy. Egypt was the greatest educational center in the ancient world. Black Egyptians educated the Greeks. Black Egyptian priests taught the best minds of Europe; Plato, Thales, Aristotle, Democritus, Anaximander, Solon and others. A surviving sculpture of Socrates shows that he was an African, as was Aesop of Aesop’s fables. And historians wrote that such great lawgivers as Lykourgos studied in Egypt and brought back the legal and political basis for the West’s politics.
The earliest Greek and Roman gods were all Black, including the Trojan heroes!
The early Greek-Roman gods and goddesses such as Apollo, Zeus, Hercules, Athena, Venus, were all Black, being renditions of the Black Egyptian gods. The historian Herodotus himself wrote that “the names of nearly all the gods came to Greece from Egypt.” The Aeneid, like the Illiad, Odyssey and all the other great epics of the world, is a poetic story dealing with Black people! Aeneas, the Trojan hero of Virgil’s Aeneid, was in direct descent from Dardanus, the African founder of Troy.
Africans gave us Math, Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry! -including the Arabic Numbers! Africans also originated the world’s first known universities.
The falsely credited Pythagoras and Euclid learned their knowledge from Egypt’s “Sacred Mystery Schools,” which were the first universities known to man (with branches in other parts of the world, including China!) Estimated by computer analysis to have approached a mile in length, the temple-university of Luxor housed an elite faculty of priest- professors and catered to some 80,000 students at all grade levels! Temples were at the center of religion, politics and education. The Ethiopians and Egyptians originated Mathematics and Trigonometry. The African Moors originated Algebra and developed Trigonometry into a science. The word Algebra is derived from “Al-Jabr wa’l Muqabala,” the title of the first textbook on the subject. From the name of the Black author, “Al- Khowarizmi” we get the word algorithm (a math procedure). The Arabic numbers we use today came from he ancient Arab people who were originally Black Africans! — and many of them still are!
Chemistry and the word itself is from Black Egypt. And where would the world be without PAPER and ALPHABET? Africans gave us both! The words Chemistry/Alchemy (see page 8) are from the word Kam or Khem, the name which the ancient Egyptians called themselves which means BLACK. Africans invented paper and paper-making. Paper was made from papyrus, hence the name. Before this, writing was done on stone tablets. The alphabet used by Western civilization originates from the Black Phoenicians who copied the principles from the Africans of the Nile Valley.
The real ‘Father of Medicine’ was the African multi-genius Imhotep of ancient Egypt, not Hippocrates who lived 2000 years later. Imhotep brought the knowledge of medicine to Greece and Rome. He was a world famous physician, architect, high priest, diplomat, economist, poet, philosopher, sage, magician, astronomer, engineer, and designer of the Step Pyramid of Sakkara. He was so revered that he was deified while still living and worshipped as the Great God of Medicine. The Greeks renamed him Aesclepios, the God of Healing. The phrase “drink and be merry…” is traced to him. The symbol of the medical profession, the caduceus (a winged staff entwined by two serpents), was the insignia found on his temples. Imhotep temples in fact were the first hospitals known to man! Stolen from Africa, his many volumes are at Karl Marx University in Leipzig, Germany. “From Egypt we have the earliest medical books, the first observatory for anatomy — human and comparative — the first experiments in surgery and pharmacy, the first use of splints and bandages, compresses and other appliances, and the first anatomical and medical vocabulary, and an extensive one at that.” (S. Glanvile: The Legacy of Egypt p.196) European medicine is founded on the works of Imhotep and Black Muslims, Avicenna and Rhazes. For rich details, see Llaila O. Afrika: African Holistic Health.
This race of black men… is the very race to which we owe our arts, our sciences, and even the use of speech!” — wrote the amazed, distinguished French scholar, Count C. Volney in 1787. Later he wrote Ruins of Empires, a book which so delighted scholars of the day that it was translated into English with a ‘special edition’ for the racist Americans, in which the following quotation was left out: “There are a people, now forgotten, discovered, while others were yet barbarians, the elements of the arts and sciences. A race of men rejected now for their black skin and woolly hair founded, on the study of the laws of Nature, those civil and religious systems which still govern the universe.”
* The name by which whites are known — Caucasian — originated from Africans — and is from Caucasus, which is derived from the Ethiopian words “Caer Cush Aur.” (Bryant’s Ancient Mythology Vol. III, p.158 [1807]). Ancient African civilizations were flourished while Europeans were living as barbarians in the caves of the Caucasus mountains.
* Whites stole the word “Aryan” from the Sanskrit language of India’s Blacks where it meant noble cultivator or the holy.
* Europe is named after the Black Phoenician princess, Europa! (see dictionary) -who was kidnapped by Black Zeus.
* “Slave” is from “Slav.” So many Slavic people of Europe were enslaved that the word “Slav” came to mean “slave.”
* Paris is named after the Egyptian goddess, Isis! -from an early temple of Isis (Pari Isidos). At the site of this temple is the Cathedral of Notre Dame; the Grande Dame referred to Isis herself!
The heroes and people of the Bible were primarily Black African people. Moses was an Egyptian priest whose hand turned white under special circumstances. (Ex. 4:6,7) Black Samson had dredlocks. Solomon declares “I am black” as does Job; “My skin is black…” (Sol. 1:6, Job 30:30) Simon was a Canaanite. (Mt. 10:4) Paul is mistaken for an “Egyptian.” (Acts 21:37–39) The early church fathers, persecuted Christians and martyred saints were also Black, such as St. Barbara — a female saint after which Santa Barbara city is named, St. Augustine, St. Maurice, Clement of Alexandria and five popes, including St. Peter! (Rogers: Nature Knows No Color-line) For details; McCray: The Black Presence in the Bible. Dunston: The Black Man in the Old Testament and its World; and Barashango: God, The Bible and The Black Man’s Destiny.
Seeking to further discredit African legacy, white historians try to displace Egypt from Africa by classifying it as part of Asia, but the ancient people of West Asia were also Black! The original people of West Asia were the Sumerians, who called themselves the “Black-Heads.” They founded the rich Black cultures of Mesopatamia which included the ancient Babylonians, Chaldeans, Canaanites, Phoenicians and Elamites (original Persians). Cush or Nubia means Ethiopia. The Biblical table of nations (Gen. 10) tells us that Cush and Canaan were brothers (sons of Ham), and that Sumer (Shina) is descended from Cush. Old Testament compilers assign Ham (father of Africans) to Egypt, Canaan, Cush and Phut (Libya). The Bible refers to Egypt as Ham. (Ps. 78:51; 105:23, 27; 106;21,22)
The original Biblical Jews were a Black African people.
The original Jews in Africa 2000 years ago were a Black African people as an ethnic group. (Massey: Egypt Light of the Word p.501) Many of them still are Black, in northern Africa such as the Falasha Jews of Ethiopia. A New York Times editorial (3/2/84) described them as “a lost tribe that has kept its identity for more than 2,000 years in a remote corner of Africa.” Abraham, ancestor of the Hebrews, was from Chaldea; the ancient Chaldeans were Black. In fact, Africa takes it name from Ophren, a son of Abraham by his wife, Keturah (Whiston: The Life and Works of Flavius Josephus p.50) Like Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the lineage of Ethiopian Emperor, Haile Selassie also goes back to Judah — through Solomon/Queen of Sheba and King David. Roman historian Tacitus wrote that many of his time believed that the Jews “were a race of Ethiopian origin.” The Bible classifies the Ethiopians and Jews together, “Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the Lord.” (Amos 9:7) Black Paul is mistaken for an “Egyptian” and declares himself to be a “Jew.” (Acts 21:37–39, 22: 2,3) That the Jews got their language, religion and culture from the Canaanites and Sumerians through Babylon, is well documented by historians. The original ancient Hebrew alphabet was identical to that of the Phoenicians. “Semitic languages” are really dialectical variants of African languages.
The word Semite is from semi which means half. Half what? Half BLACK! (mulatto!) Semite refers to the descendants of Shem, one of Noah’s sons. The word originates from the Latin prefix semi which means half. “half Black and half white… therefore Black (since Black is genetically dominant)” points out Dr. Cress Welsing. Historian Cheikh Anta Diop also points out that the “Semitic” arises in the 4th millennia B.C. from crossbreeding between Black inhabitants of the holy land and white northern invaders. While many Semites (such as Jews and gypsies) have mixed so much with whites that they’ve forgotten or deny their African roots, racism (white supremacy) will never let them forget this no matter how light-skinned they become, as proved by Hitler, who mandated their destruction because they were classified by whites as “non-white” people originating in Africa. The very word gypsy means “out of Egypt.”
The original Biblical Jews were Black African people who were ruthlessly persecuted by the white man (Romans). The prophet Jesus was a Black Jew who was born during this time. The Roman-Jewish War in 66 A.D. marked the peak of this persecution and the end of the original Black Jews (Hebrew-Israelites) as a nation. As predicted by Jesus, in this war Jerusalem was overthrown, the Temple was destroyed and the Black Hebrews were scattered. (Mat. 24:15–21, Luke 21: 5,6, 20–24) The loss of life was appalling. So many Hebrews were slain that the whole lake of Galilee was red with blood and covered with corpses. The noted historian, Josephus estimated that one million one hundred thousand perished in the siege of Jerusalem alone, reports Hugh Schonfield in his book The Passover Plot p.192–195, which describes this massive genocide.
* Seeking to escape destruction, millions of original Black Biblical Jews fled into AFRICA!
* Centuries later, their descendants were captured and sold into slavery in the Americas! Ella Hughley’s remarkable booklet The Truth About Black Biblical Hebrew-Israelites exposes and summarizes important details of this suppressed subject. She writes “Many of the Israelites… who managed to escape their persecutors during the Roman-Jewish War subsequently migrated to West Africa, and 16,000 years later their descendants were captured and brought to America in chains by cruel slave-traders.” She quotes the noted Jewish historian, Josephus from his book The Great Roman-Jewish War: 66–70, where he writes about this Jewish dispersion and captivity. “General Vaspasian and his son Caesar Titus fought against the Jews. Millions of Jews fled into Africa, among other places, fleeing from Roman persecution and starvation during the siege.” In African Origins of Major Wester Religions p.75, Dr. Yusef ben-Jochannan writes “there were many Hebrew (Jewish) tribes that were of indigenous African origin, These African Jews were caught in a rebellion in Cyrene … during 115 C.E. This rebellion also marked the beginning of a mass Jewish migration southward into Sudan of West Africa.” Arab historian, Ibn Battuta writes of finding Jews scattered across North and West Africa during his travels. The Hebrewisms of numerous tribes, especially in West Africa is well documented.
If the original Jews were Black, where did white Jews come from? There are two main types of white Jews; the Edomites and the Khazars. Edomites are the descendants of
Esau, who was born ruddy (red) and hairy according to the Bible. (Gen. 25:25) This describes the “white” man; he is red (all shades) and hairy. Esau was the albino, fraternal twin brother of Jacob, the father of the original Black Israelites. The white Edomites and Black Israelites were constantly in strife against one another. In fact, the Edomites fought the Black Jews in the Roman-Jewish War. At a later period in history, the Edomites (Idumeans) were conquered and forced to become “Jews.” The European Khazars became “Jews” in 740 A.D. (see below) Neither groups are descended from the house of Israel! Khazars make up over 90% of the so-called “Jews!” (Hatonn)
The world’s best kept secret? Hugley writes “These groups… [Khazars esp., plus Edomites and other ethnic groups] make up modern Jewry today. Although the black Hebrew-Israelites are the real descendants of ancient Israel, this truth is not known by many and it is ‘the world’s best kept secret.’ Because of slavery and scattering, the Hebrew-Israelites are not known to the world as true Israel… Some scholars, teachers and ministers teach that God has completely cast them away, but God said, ‘I have chosen thee, and have not cast thee away.’ (Isa. 41:9, last part.) [& Rm. ch.11] Although the children of Israel went into captivity, a remnant has returned as was predicted. The prophecy of Ezekiel 37th chapter tells of the spiritual resurrection of the people of Israel, who will be perpetually betrothed to their God in truth and in righteousness.” There are numerous Black-Hebrew congregations in America. “Temple Bethel” is the largest & oldest (in Belleville, VA).
“Jews” were a heavy part of the African slave trade in the America! Compiled from Jewish documents, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews by the Nation of Islam reveals the vast Jewish involvement in the Atlantic slave trade. “Jews” were also major slave sellers during the Middle Ages. (Van Sertima: African Presence in Early Europe p.161) These “Jewish” slave-sellers were probably not “real Jews” at all but Khazars. (see below)
Counterfeit Jews: the hated, white “Khazars” who have usurped the real Jews! … Historians are now recognizing that the majority of eastern so-called “Jews” are actually “Khazars” and have NO Semitic roots whatsoever! The Khazars are impostors: well- suppressed knowledge is emerging about this war-like tribe of whites that rose to power in Eastern Europe and were hated by the other whites they conquered due to there severe, exploitative treatment of them. The Khazars all converted to Judaism as a political ploy during the Middle Ages. It appears that they learned all they could from the real Hebrews before usurping them, selling them into slavery (or killing them) and taking over in their place, — using the corrupted form of Judaism to hide behind while continuing their treachery right into modern times. Much of Europe’s historical hate for “Jews” is hate for the ruthless Khazars who continued to be hated in spite of becoming “Jews.” In fact, the word “Jew” originated during the 1700s to label them! (Hatonn: p.3, 17) Counterfeit Blessings — The Anti-Christ by Any Name: Khazars by G.C. Hatonn, exposes that the Khazars are the real “anti-Semites” who have labeled themselves as Zionists and “Jews” to deceive the world in furthering their own plans for global and political conquest. (See pages 22–24 in this document) In the 13th Tribe. Arthur Koesler traces the history of the Khazars and their rise to power.
The African Moors sparked the European Renaissance! Ruling Spain, southern France, much of Scotland and North Africa during the Middle ages for 700 years, the Black African Moors gave Europe one of its finest civilizations. The word Moor is from the Greek word mauros, meaning scorched. In the introduction of The Story of the Moors in Spain by Stanley Lane-Poole, John Jackson writes: “Eurocentric historians argue that Europe gave civilization to Africa, which is a complete inversion of the truth. The first civilized Europeans were the Greeks, who were chiefly civilized by the Africans of the Nile Valley. The Greeks transmitted this culture to the Romans, who finally lost it, bringing on a dark age of five hundred years. Civilization was restored to Europe when another group of Africans, the Moors, brought this dark age to an end. During the Golden Age of Islam, the Moorish Empire… was the most advanced state in the world… Cordova was the most wonderful city of the tenth century; the streets were well-paved, with raised sidewalks for pedestrians… Public baths numbered in the hundreds… at a time when cleanliness in Christian Europe was regarded a sin… Moorish monarchs dwelt in splendid palaces, while the crowned heads of England, France, and Germany lived in big barns, lacking both windows and chimneys, with only a hole in the roof for the emission of smoke.”
The Moors had an insatiable lust for knowledge, and acquired it from East and West, translating into Arabic all they could find, even ransacking monasteries for rare books. One king had a private library of 600,000 books! In Moorish Spain education was available to the most humble, while in Christian Europe 99% of the populace were illiterate, including kings. The incredible city of Cordova had 800 public schools! The Moors made great advances in mathematics, physics, astronomy, medicine, botany, chemistry. The Moors also introduced the first shooting mechanisms or rifles known as firesticks! — which revolutionized European military science, ultimately causing their downfall when their enemies used gunpowder to drive them back into Africa. Their contributions to European civilization is vast — with no credit given to them. For more details, Ivan Van Sertima, ed: The Golden Age of the Moors, and Samuel Scott: The History of the Moorish Empire in Europe.
The white Founding Fathers built America on Black Egypt’s knowledge.
As revealed in Anthony Browder’s fascinating From the Browder File, the Founding Fathers sought to recreate in America the same energies which guided the Africans of the Nile Valley by using African science, architecture and symbols (with no credit to them) as shown:
* The Found Fathers and all the U.S. presidents were Masons (except Lincoln & Kennedy). Masons and other secret orders such as the Rosicrucians & Illuminati are patterned after the Sacred Mystery Schools (universities) of ancient Egypt. The word ‘Mason’ means ‘child of the sun’ and is derived from the African terms Sons & Daughters of Light (or Children of the Sun). The sun symbolizes enlightenment, hence these metaphors mean ‘enlightened people.’ The Declaration of Independence and U.S.
Constitution are Masonic documents, written in the Masonic code and have different meaning to members of the Masonic order.
* Look on the back of the dollar bill and see for yourself how the Founding Fathers composed the Great Seal of America with African symbols: The Eye of Horus/God, pyramid, six-pointed star (made up of 13 stars), and the eagle — their imitation of Egypt’s sacred sun Falcon, a symbol for Horus. Stan Deyo’s provocative Cosmic Conspiracy provides more insights.
* The Washington monument, a symbol of America, is an African obelisk! The obelisk was the symbol of the very Black Egyptian god, Osiris who represented the regenerative powers of God and was worshiped as the impregnating force of the universe. The obelisk later became part of the worship of the Egyptian Sun God, “Ra,” from which we get the words “ra, radiation.” The obelisk is also found at the Vatican in St. Peter’s square and in every major city in the world. It is the origin of church steeples!
* Egyptian Design: The Lincoln Memorial is patterned after an Egyptian temple honoring the pharaoh, Ramsese II. Meridian Hill Park (aka Malcolm X Park) was designed to align Washington D.C. to the same meridian (pathway to the sun) which passes through Egypt. So-called European architecture (like the Capitol, Parthenon, cathedrals) is copied from African architecture! (mosques, obelisks, temples)
* A Black scientist designed the city. The layout and design of Washington D.C. was accomplished by America’s first Black man of science, Benjamin Banneker — astronomer and mathematician.
All races were born from the Black race. Science reports that everyone alive today descended from an African woman who lived 200,000, years ago!
Based on the evidence of recent findings, modern (white) science has ‘officially’ declared that ALL of present humanity came from one race… the Black race — the oldest race. Throughout the world prominent magazines have done front page articles on “the most incredible find of all times: Scientists have unearthed the ancient bones of a Black African [pygmy] woman who is indisputably the mother of all humanity!” They nicknamed her Eve”… our common ancestor — a woman who lived 200,000 years ago and left resilient genes that are carried by all of mankind” reports the best-selling issue ever of Newsweek magazine (1/11/88) which depicts a Black Adam and Eve on its front cover headlining it The Search for Adam and Eve. Science magazine (9/11/87) states that overwhelming evidence shows that “Africa was the cradle of modern humans… The story the molecular biology seems to be telling is that modern humans evolved in Africa about 200,000 years ago.” National Geographic (Oc. 88) reports of new evidence “ of an African origin for modern humans.”
Are whites the albino offspring of Black Africans?
White skin is a form of albinism. It appears that whites have “come into being” through a number of ways: In The Isis Papers p.123, Dr. Frances cress Welsing states “whites are undoubtedly a genetic mutant albino population… from the original Black (hue-man) beings.” The story of ‘Snowflake’ dramatically illustrates how it is possible for whites to come into being from blacks: Born of coal black parents, this albino gorilla named “Snowflake” has platinum blond hair, white (pink) skin, and blue eyes! (National Geographic: Mar, 67, Oct. 70). Similarly in Panama, particularly among the San Blas Indians are albino natives that also have blond hair and blue eyes! They are often indistinguishable from blond Northern Europeans! In the Bible, Edomites are whites that descended from an albino named Essau who was born ruddy (red) and hairy. (Gen. 25:25) The Bible refers to white skin as leprosy (Num. 12:10–12, Lev. 13) and reports that a race of people (Gahazites) were born white due to being cursed! (II Kings 5:27) Bible scholars credit Japheth (a son of Noah) as fathering a (Black) people who settled in the north, ultimately becoming the Caucasian race. Similarly, other scholars theorize that Africans who migrated to Europe and were caught in the Ice Age, gradually lightened until their genes mutated to adapt to the scant sunlight, thus producing a race of whites.
Were whites “made” by Yacub through selective breeding?
Paul Gurthrie’s astounding Making of the Whiteman, assembles startling historical evidence which verifies much of Elijah Muhammad’s controversial teachings on the origin of white people. In Message to the Black Man in America, according to Elijah muhammad, founder of the Nation of Islam, white people were created from Africans about 6000 years ago by Yacub, a Black god-like scientist. Using a selective breeding process called “grafting,” Yacub created whites as a “race of devils” to rule earth for a limited period. (see page 28) Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians recorded the Tamahu, which means created white people. Egyptian writings also refer to whites as Typhonians or People of Seth, both meaning “the devils.” After these “white devils” were first released into the Black community of the Near East 6000 years ago, they caused severe strife, thus the Africans rounded them up, stripped them of everything and exiled them to the caves and hills of the Caucasus Mountains. This explains the sudden appearance of white people in this region. To prevent their escaping Africans installed a series of guarded walls blocking all exits along that area from one sea to the other! — thus “roping” them off (hence the word Europe). These walls have been witnessed and recorded by many European writers, including Pliny. Thus, totally cut off from civilization, the whites degenerated into uncivilized, nomadic savages. They remained this way for 2000 years until ‘Allah mercifully sent an Egyptian priest named Musa or Moses to civilize them.’ This explains the otherwise unknown reason why suddenly about 2000 B.C., vast hordes of these white barbarians left the Caucasus region and stormed all the (Black) centers of civilizations throughout Mesopotamia, the Near East, Africa and India, destroying and usurping them. Thus, the whiteman’s arrival signalled destruction for all these civilizations and the beginning of the whiteman’s rise to power.
Why do whites seek to hide their origins?
Dr. Cress Welsing theorizes that whites (as the albino offspring of Black Africans) migrated or were chased northward from Africa into Europe. She states: “Historically, the white race has sought to hide its genetic origins in Africa amongst Blacks, just as it has sought to deny the origins of the white civilization, from the culture of Black in Africa, seeking instead to proclaim an origin amongst the Greeks. Historically, whites also have sought to degrade Africa and everything Black. By so doing, whites can avoid confronting the true meaning of skin whiteness as a mutation and genetic deficiency state from the Black norm — the ‘hue-man’ norm’… Deep within the unconscious psyche of the white collective is an awareness; of there origin amongst Blacks, that Blacks were their parents and that they (whites) were the defective offsprings of Blacks.”
Your brain and body can’t function without Black Melanin!
Few people know what Melanin, the pigment that colors the skin and hair, is found in almost every organ of the body and is necessary in order for the brain and nerves to operate, the eyes to see, and the human body to reproduce! At the core of your brain is found the “locus coeruleus,” a structure that is BLACK because it contains large amounts of (neuro) Melanin which is essential for it to operate! In fact, all the most crucial brain structures are heavily melanized! Melanin in the brain increases from the lower primates and reaches its peak in the BLACK HUMAN.
“All humans possess this Black internal brain evidence of their common Black African Origin. The All Black neuro-melanin nerve tract of the brain is profound proof that the human race is a Black race, with many variations of Black, from Black-Black to White- Black, all internally rooted in a vast sea of Brain Blackness.” Dr. Richard King
* Melanin is the chemical key to life itself! * It is the major organizing molecule for living systems!
* It’s found everywhere! — in animals, plants (that’s why raisins are brown), soil, oceans, clouds even stars and comets!
* It is essentially linked to the DNA of the genes! * It shows the potential to reproduce itself! Black Melanin is necessary in order for humans to reproduce!
Melanin is present at the inception of life: a Melanin sheath covers both the sperm and the egg! In the human embryo, the melanocytes (skin pigment cells), brain and nerve cells all originate from the same place; the neural crest. Melanocytes resemble nerve cells and are essential for conveying energy. When Melanin is missing or insufficient in the ectoderm of the early embryo (blastula), this causes the mother to lose her baby; in the case of whites, a defective baby is produced.
Black Melanin is the super absorber of all forms of energy. It has “black hole” properties. It can convert light to sound and back again! It stores, transforms and conducts energy!
The color of Black is the perfect absorber of light and all energy frequencies, giving Black Melanin these properties! Thus scientists describe Melanin as acting like a “black hole.” Melanin can rearrange its chemical structure to absorb ALL wave-lengths of energy (sunlight, X-rays, music, radar) and can transmute and store this energy for later use! In The Isis Papers, Dr. Cress Welsing writes that Melanin gives us the ability to use our bodies as direct connections with the God Force, the source of all Energy -like plugging a cord into a wall socket. It also gives our hair antennae-like ability. (see page 2).
How does Melanin cause racial differences?
The science of Genetics shows that Blacks can produce all races but it is impossible for a brown, yellow or white race to produce a black race. A Japanese scientist showed that inside melanocytes (pigment cells) are tiny packets called melanosomes that contain melanin. The four stages in the maturing of these melanosomes counts for racial differences: Stage 1: The melanosome is empty and doesn’t have the machinery to make melanin. Stage 2: The melanosome has the machinery to make melanin, but is empty of melanin. Stage 3: The machinery is there and the melanosome is half filled with melanin. Stage 4: The machinery is there and the melanosome is completely filled with melanin. Whites have mainly stages 1 and 2, whereas all people of color have melanin, with Blacks having more of stage 4.
Other amazing facts about Black Melanin:
* Melanin granules are “central computers” and may analyze and initiate body responses without reporting to the brain!
* Melanin slows aging and protects you from damning effects of sunlight. The darker your skin (genetically) the less it ages. Thus whites often have wrinkled skin in their 30s while Blacks often have smooth, unwrinkled skin even in “old” age.
* All people of color have Melanin circulating in the blood due to spillage from the melanosomes (Melanin packets).
* People containing high levels of Melanin (mainly Blacks) will always show a positive test for the use of marijuana! The chemical species found in the urine which indicates someone’s use of marijuana is also found in the urine of Blacks!
* The Melanin molecule is so stable that it has been found in 150-million-year-old dinosaur fossils! It is so highly resistant to chemical and physical analysis, that its precise structure is unknown!
“BLACKNESS” is a divine, cosmic principle of the Universe.
BLACK is the meaning of Kam or Khem — the name which the ancient Egyptians called themselves. From this word we get “Chemistry,” the study of the building blocks of Life. Life is founded upon CARBON, the Black element present in all living matter. Black carbon atoms link to form Black Melanin, which has “Black Hole” properties! Black Holes are found at the center of our own galaxy and countless others. In physics, a “Black Body” is known to be a perfect absorber and perfect radiator of all forms of light and energy. This “Black Body Radiation” is at work in the electron, as shown by Nobel prize winner, Richard Feynman. The electron is responsible for ALL “Khem-ical” changes in matter. It has been present since the creation of the universe. The scientist, Jean Charaon proved that the electron has all the properties of the Black Hole, plus it exchanges “Black Photons” with other electrons, enabling it to continuously accumulate data. This means that if we view the electron as a carrier of memory, it has experienced everything in creation since the very beginning. Blackness is fundamental to the operation of the universe of Energy. God is the Giver of All Energy: “Blackness” (not darkness) allows the perfect reception of all wavelengths of Energy.
Melanin gives Black people superior physical, mental and spiritual ability.
Melanin refines the nervous system in such a way that messages from the brain reach other areas of the body most rapidly in Black people, the Original People. Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites, and demonstrate more advanced cognitive skills than their white counterparts because of their abundance of Melanin. Carol Barnes writes “…your mental processes (brain power) are controlled by the same chemical that gives Black humans their superior physical (athletics, rhythmic dancing) abilities. This chemical… is Melanin!” The abundance of Melanin in Black humans produces a superior organism physically, mentally and spiritually. This why all the founders of the world’s great religions are Black. Melanin is the neuro-chemical basis for what is called SOUL in Black people. In the same way Blacks excel in athletics, they can excel in all other areas as well (like they did in the past!) once the road blocks are removed!
Is God Black?
The Original Man was BLACK, “made in the IMAGE of God” his Parent, according to scared books. Children look like their parents. All the other races are but diluted variations of the Original Black Race. (see pages 7 and 8) Most whites have calcified pineal glands which thwarts Melatonin production, thereby limiting their moral capacity. Located in the brain, the tiny pineal and pituitary glands regulate the body’s other glands. Esoteric tradition regards the area of these glands as the third eye, seat of the soul, and the mystical Uraeus represented by the cobra on the forehead of Egyptian royalty/crowns. Why did Africans view the European as a child of God, but the Europeans viewed the African as a soulless savage? Because of “melatonin,” described as a mentally and morally stimulating humanizing hormone produced by the pineal gland. Scientific research reveals that most whites are unable to produce much melatonin because their pineal glands are often calcified and non-functioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans is 5–15%; Asians — 15–25%; Europeans — 60–80%! This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between Blacks and whites, causing some Black scholars to raise the question that the European approach, that of the logical, erect, rigid, anti-feeling posture, reflects a left brain orientation and reflects that they lack the chemical key of melatonin to turn on their unconscious and therefore cannot get into feelings as thoroughly as Original people. Carol Barnes writes “Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, justice, and righteousness. Individuals (whites) containing low levels of Melanin will behave in a barbaric manner.” Melanin give humans the ability to FEEL because it is the absorber of all frequencies of energy. Dr. Welsing writes “Since melanin is a superior absorber of all energy , it is essential to establish this understanding of God and ‘all energy.’ The fact that the albinos (whites) lack melanin may also help to explain …why, in the view of many non-white peoples, they (whites) lack ‘spirituality” and the capacity to tune in to, and thereby establish harmony and justice…”
The scientific evidence of Melanin threatens the ideology of white supremacy.
After considering Melain to be a “waste” product of body-metabolism which “served no useful function,” Western (white) science has now discovered that Melanin is the chemical key to life and the brain itself! All studies and facts about Melanin suggest that after 400 years of attempting to inferiorize the Black race, “Western science is facing the sobering reality that, by its own self-defined standards, Black people are probably superior to whites in both intellectual potential and muscle coordination.” (Sepia magazine interview). The central role Melanin plays in the body has been “suppressed to maintain the mythological inferiority of blacks …and the defensive clinging to whiteness as some token of superiority.” (Dr. Richard King) The “superiority complex” of white people is a defense mechanism and a mask for their deepset inferiority complex which they project onto people of color. Psychologists say insistent denial means reality in the opposite way. If whites really believed that white skin was “superior,” why is “tanning” so important in white culture despite its known health risks (thousands die annually from skin cancer). Also, curling or permming lifeless, straight hair, and the latest; lip injections for a fuller look! And it is the white female who tells you that her ideal mate is “tall, DARK, and handsome!” “Dark” indeed refers to more Melanin!
“Messed-up Melanin” is killing Melanated people!
In their ongoing effort to destroy people of color, whites create “designer drugs,” structured to chemically bind with and alter the Melanin molecule, causing it to become toxic and even fatal to highly melanated people! Carol Barnes, who documents this subject writes, “MELANIN can become toxic to the Black human because it combines with harmful drugs such as a cocaine, amphtamines, pyscholic, hallucinoge… marijuana… etc.” The molecules of these drugs resemble the Melanin molecule! The body is fooled and its balance is thrown off as it relies on its drug-wrecked Melanin in order to function. Even legal drugs such as tetracyclines, neurolepts (tranquilizers), have strong affinity for bind to Melanin. Herbicides (paraquats,’agent orange’ [dioxin]) bind irreversibly with Melanin and remain in the Black human throughout life causing many disorders. Drug abuse by Blacks is more likely to occur because Melanin causes Blacks to become addicted faster and stay addicted longer from these drugs which are deliberately placed in
Black communities. Drugs are destroying the heart of Native American and Black society, causing many deaths.
For more information on the wonders of Melanin: Dr. Richard King’s superb African Origin of Biological Psychiatry and Carol Barnes’ information rich Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness (C. Barnes, Box 3009189,Houston Texas, 77230). Also the technical paper Melanin, The Organizing Molecule by Dr. Frank Barr, discoverer of Melanin’s organizing ability and other properties (Institute for Study of consciousness (510) 849–4784 /2924 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley CA 94704).
All world civilization on all continents began with Black African people!
Given that the Black race is the oldest, this fact should come as no surprise! Historically Blacks have played the earliest civilizing role in the world as shown by Kamit (ancient Egypt), Sumer, Babylon, Canaan, Kush (Ethiopia), Indus Kush and Harrappa (ancient India), the Olmecs (ancient America) and Shang of ancient China. Other great African civilizations included the empires of Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Benin, Zimbabwe and the Moors who ruled southwest Europe for 700 years.
Blacks were first in Asia and pioneered Asia’s early civilization!
The Black role in Asia as elsewhere in the world, has been submerged and distorted for centuries. Asia’s African roots are well summarized in African Presence in Early Asia by Ivan Van Sertima & Runoko Rashidi, and African Presence in Early China by James Brunson. The original oriental people were Black, and many of them still are Black — southern China and Asia. The earliest occupants of Asia were ‘small Blacks’ (pygmies) who came to the region as early as 50,000 years ago. In 100 Amazing Facts About The Negro, J.A. Rogers reports that in 1923, Europeans first discovered “a hitherto unknown Negro race, the Nakhis, 200,000 in number, in Southern China.” In The Children of the Sun George Parker writes “… it appears that the entire continent of Asia was originally the home of many black races and that these races were the pioneers in establishing the wonderful civilizations that have flourished throughout this vast continent.” Reports of major kingdoms ruled by Blacks are frequent in Chinese documents. The first kingdom of Southeast Asia is called Fou Nan, famous for building masterful canal systems. Chinese historians described the Fou Nanese men as “small and black.” The Ainus, Japan’s oldest known inhabitants, have traditions which tell of a race of dark dwarfs which inhabited Japan before they did. Historians Cheikh Anta Dip and Albert Churchward saw the Ainus as originating in Egypt! There is archeological support for this. In addition, ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia records the “Anu” (Ainu?). The Ainu “… are of the same original race and type as the Australian Aborigines” reports Churchward in Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man. J.A. Rogers writes in Sex and Race Vol. I, “… there are any number of Japanese who, but for color and hair, bear a striking resemblance to the South African Bushman…” An ancient tradition points to the conquest of Japan from the southeast by a race of Black warriors.
Did Africans build those ancient pyramids in Japan and China?
There are man-made pyramids in China and Japan! China’s pyramids are located near Siang Fu city in the Shensi province. The Chinese do not know how they got there but it is believed that Africans of the Nile Valley were the builders (J. Perry: The Growth of Civilization p.106,107) Mistaken for hill due to there eroded appearance, the ones in Japan are made of stones not indigenous to Japan. It is said they were built during the time of Mu. (see page 15) (A. Tebecis: Mahikari — Thank God for the Answers at Last — at Mahikari Centers, LA (310) 316–6867, The Pyramids of Japan — film by Alpha Media Corp.)
China’s first historical dynasty and first emperor was Black!
Founded by King Tang or Ta, the earliest documented rulership of China was the Shang Dynasty (or Chiang) c. 1500–1000 B.C., which is credited with bringing together the elements of China’s earliest known civilization. The Shang were given the name Nakhi (Na-Black, Khi-man). Under the Black dynasty, the Chinese established the basic forms of a graceful calligraphy that has lasted to the present day. The first Chinese emperor, the legendary Fu-Hsi (2953–2838 B.C.) was a wooly haired Black Man. He is credited with establishing government, originating social institutions and cultural inventions. He is said to have originated the I Ching, or The Book of Change, which is the oldest, most revered system of prophecy. It is known to have influenced the most distinguished philosophers of Chinese thought.
The martial arts originated in AFRICA, not Asia!
Kilindi Iyi’s essay in African Presence in Early Asia (by Van Sertima/Rashidi) reveals the African roots of the martial arts: Africans discovered very early that the movements of animals could be used effectively to develop their fighting skills. Also, that ‘animal principles’ could be isolated within the consciousness and manifested into an unconquerable fighting force. The oldest records of kicking, throwing, wrestling, and punching techniques were found in Egypt. These warrior scientists laid the foundation for all martial arts systems, including Kung Fu and Judo.
The first people of India were Africans! The word India itself means Black. Yoga and other so-called Eastern teachings originated in Africa!
The Latin word “India” is from the Greek word Indus (or Indos) which means Black. The earliest people of India were Black Africans! It is believed that many of them came from Ethiopia. Often called Dravidians, these Africans founded the great Indus Valley Civilization around 3000 B.C. They brought with them many spiritual sciences which originated in Africa, such as those of Yoga, Kundalini and Reflexology. They were masters of urban planning and architecture: their homes and cities had running water, toilets, and an underground sewage system! — evidenced at the Mohenjo Daro ruins (2000 B.C.). It is believed that the Ganges, the sacred river of India, is named after an Ethiopian king of that name who conquered Asia as far as this river. Buddha, Krishna, and other great Black sages arose from their successive civilizations, including the great King Asoka.
Barbaric whites invaded India, bringing destruction.
Around the 7th century B.C., nomadic, barbaric tribes of whites invaded India. Like their Greek cousins were to do later, these uncivilized whites learned civilization from the Blacks and overthrew them, destroying their great civilization. Like their European cousins were to do later with Christianity and Judaism, they distorted the Black’s religion into a system which ensured their superiority while suppressing the natives. The caste system is the basis of their cunning, oppressive religious ideology which to this day enslaves the mind, body and soul of indigenous Blacks. Originally called Brahminism, this religion was altered and is now called Hinduism — the greatest curse to India’s Blacks. According to Madame Blavatsky — founder of Theosophy (a philosophy based on India’s sacred sciences), a type of caste system was already in place before the whites arrived. They worsened and exploited it, putting themselves on top. Historians incorrectly refer to these whites as “Aryan,” a word stolen from the Sanskrit language of India’s Blacks, where it meant noble cultivator or the holy as a title for Rishis (sages) who mastered the sacred science of Aryasatyani.
No justice exists for the Dalits: India’s Black “Untouchables”.
At the top of the Hindu caste pyramid sits the Brahmin. At the bottom are the heavily exploited, degraded, humiliated, slave-like, impoverished “Untouchables” who carry the weight of the entire population. They are the worse victims of Hindu society, along with women at all caste levels. African Presence in Early Asia presents an essay by Indian activists T. Rajshekar who writes: “From the very beginning it [Brahminism/Hinduism] has had the suppression of the native population and women, even Aryan women, as its primary principles… whereas the natives respected all humans and assured equal status to women. In fact, the natives of India were matriarchal…” These Black Untouchables are the long-suffering descendants of Aryan/Black unions and native Black populations who retreated into the hinterlands of India seeking escape from the advancing Aryan influence under which they eventually succumbed. They call themselves Dalits which means crushed and broken. Though the caste system (or varna system) was based originally on skin color (varna means color), color is not the main problem as some dark or light skinned people are found at the top and bottom. The problem is the sanctioned oppression of Black Untouchables. No justice exists for them! Crimes against them by caste Hindus almost always go unpunished! Rajshekar writes “No where else in the world is there an parallel to the Aryan persecution of the untouchables of India… It is a social, cultural, and religious institution… The caste structure maintains itself because every member of a particular caste group stands to gain by belonging to that particular caste-group. The caste system helps the exploitation of the weak by the strong. India’s constitution not only does not interfere with caste, but fully upholds it… Caste system is based on purity and pollution. One group is considered more pure than the other. The less pure caste group accepts its lower status because it is happy that it has a much larger caste group below it to exploit. As long as there is somebody below it to exploit, it is proud and will not mind somebody always standing on its shoulders. So the entire caste structure is a … self- sustaining, automatic, exploitive machine.”
India’s Blacks are ignorant of their African roots.
India’s native Black population is the largest Black population outside Africa, numbering about 200 million. They have brown to black skin, straight or kinky hair and Africoid features, such as the famous Indian holy man, Sathya Sai Baba who has a large kinky afro. Rajshekar writes “The Black untouchables of India, even the educated among them are not aware of the common origin of Africans and Dalits. When they come to know of this and the struggle of the African-Americans and their spectacular achievements, our people will naturally become proud. Putting pride into their broken hearts is our prime task… The African-Americans also must know that their liberation struggle cannot be complete as long as their own blood-brothers and sisters living in far off Asia are suffering. It is true that African-Americans and India’s Black Untouchables are both the victims of racism… African-Americans leaders can give our struggle tremendous support by bringing forth knowledge of the existence of such a huge chunk of Asian Blacks to the notice of both the American Black masses and the Black masses who dwell within the African continent itself… No group is better positioned to launch this cultural revolution than India’s Dalits. Since we form the foundation of this caste pyramid, we alone are capable of shaking its structure, if not demolishing it… The moment that our people come to believe that they are neither Hindus nor obligated to obey the upper castees, the whole caste structure completely collapses.”
India’s Blacks, like America’s Blacks, are awakening from a long spell of ignorance of their true history and African roots. India’s Black Dalits have been profoundly inspired by the Black Liberation Movement and Black leaders of the 1960s, whom they revere. Some are linking with African Americans. Instrumental in this awakening has been Runoko Rashidi, African-American historian and founder of the International Dalit Support Group. [Rashidi (213) 293–5807] The best publication on India’s Black Untouchables is The Dalit voice, edited by Indian activist, author, journalist V.T. Rajshekar. India’s rich African roots are presented in African Presence in Early Asia by Ivan Van Sertima and Runoko Rashidi; Metu Neter by Ra Un Nefer Amen; Black Jade: The African Presence in the Ancient East by James Brunson. Madame Blavatsky volumes (Isis Unveiled, The Secret Doctrine, Collected Writings) are rich sources of information on the spiritual, metaphysical sciences of ancient India, Egypt, Tibet and Chaldea. African-American historian and lecturer, Amos Tucker is an expert on Blavatsky’s works (plus ancient Ethiopian history) and is completing books in these areas.
The Africoid Olmecs was the parent culture of Ancient America.
Flourishing more than 1000 years before Christ, the Olmecs was the parent civilization of Ancient America. Colossal monuments of stone heads in Mexico show numerous carvings of them as gods. Their faces are unmistakably Africoid, along with many other Africoid portraits in stone, clay, copper and gold. In addition to their culture shaping role, the Olmecs were undoubtedly profoundly influenced by Black migrants from Africa’s Nile Valley. Columbus himself made emphatic reference to black traders from Guinea.
African technology built the pyramids in Mexico! Did Africans also rule all of South and Central America?
Yes! According to Peruvian historian Eduardo de Habiche who documents this in his Spanish Book, El Peru Milenario des Quicia las bases de la: Historia Universal (Lima, Peru 1983). He asserts that these Africans were Egyptian invaders seeking Peruvian gold. Aztec murals clearly depict Blacks with Natives. African presence in ancient North, Central and South America is well documented by Ivan Van Sertima in They Came Before Columbus and The African Presence in Early America, also R.A. Jairazbhoy’s Ancient Egyptians in Middle and South America and his pictorial Ancient Egypt, Mexico and United States which documents cultural connections between ancient North America and Egypt!
Native American’s great contributions have been ignored.
As previously noted, the relationship of Native Americans and Africans goes back thousands of years! Africans were actively in business with Native Americans long before Columbus wandered lost into the Caribbean and thinking he found India, erroneously called the Natives “Indians,” a name which has stuck. At one time the African and American continents were joined, as proven by their similarity of tropical plants, animals and geographic traits, plus their appearance of fitting together. Perhaps this is why many gods of Central America are portrayed black with Africoid features. When white men came to Central and South America, they immediately began enslaving the Natives. Millions of Natives died (along with their great, quashed civilizations), from slavery, torture, murder and European diseases. Many were also imported as slaves to Europe! Initiating the Atlantic slave trade, Columbus crammed his tiny three ships with 1,200 Indian slaves upon returning to Spain. After running short on labor supply due to decimating most of the Native population, white men began importing African slaves to meet the growing labor demands of their ruthless conquest and plunder. Thus Native and African Americans share a common history of massive abuse, genocide and exploitation from white men. Natives were even called by the same derogatory terms applied to Africans, and often treated worse, to say nothing of two whole continents taken from them.
The tenets of the U.S. Constitution originated from Native Americans!
The Founding Fathers copied the democratic ideals of the U.S. Constitutional government from he highly developed political system of the Iroquois League of Nations! The American Federal system derives primarily from Native Americans and Moors who had been in control of Europe for centuries, NOT from Europe, which was a despotic feudal society, nor from ancient Greece where the majority were either slaves or excluded from decision making. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and others were highly knowledgeable of Native political systems. Franklin urged the new nation to model its government on the League of the Iroquois and guided the creation of the American constitution, which derives from he Iroquois Kayanesha Kowa (Great Law of Peace). Of course the whitewashed history books do not acknowledge this. In The Sacred Hoop, Paula Gunn Allen documents this
subject along with the Native American quest for freedom and justice and their input to the feminist movement.
Originally, early colonists gave some recognition to Natives: architects of the U.S. Capitol fashioned the columns to resemble stalks of corn and covered the ceiling with tobacco leaves and flowers. And Pochohantas, a Native youth, was selected as the FIRST symbol of America. But as the U.S. moved toward civil war, Native heritage was obscured and whitewashed.
Native American foods revolutionized world agriculture.
That’s why Italians have tomatoes, Irish and Germans have potatoes, etc. Other foods include maize, peanuts, beans, squashes and peppers. Corn and potatoes are staples in human diet!
Wealth ravaged from Native Americans ballooned European economy.
Historians show that in 1492, the value of allt he gold and silver in Europe was about $200 million. In 1600, just 100 years (and countless slaves) later, it increased to two billion! — empowering major economic and trade expansion in Europe which led to the Industrial Revolution.
The Native American suicide rate is SEVEN times the national rate!
(See page 21) Natives rank at the bottom of almost every social and economical indicator. Their problems are symptoms of a far greater problem: a disease called white supremacy. As part of their ongoing campaign of genociding people of color, whites are still trying to put toxic waste dumps on Native American lands. Existing radioactive waste already deposited is causing birth defects in Native peoples.
“New Age” exploitation spell destruction for Native Americans.
The New age movement has sparked new interest in Native American spirituality among white women who claim to be spiritualists. Indian spirituality is often presented as the panacea for all problems. Explains a flyer: Many white ‘feminists’ see the opportunity to make great profits from this new craze. They sell sweat lodges, sacred pipe ceremonies or books and records that supposedly describe Indian traditional practices so that you too can be ‘Indian.’ “On the surface, it may appear that this new craze is based on respect for Indian spirituality. In fact, the New Age movement is part of a very old story of white racism and genocide against the Indian people. Of course, white ‘feminists’ want to become only partly Indian. While New Agers may think that they are escaping white racism by becoming ‘Indian,’ they are in fact, continuing the same genocidal practices of their forefathers/foremothers. The one thing that has maintained the survival of Indian people through 500 years of colonialism has been the spiritual bonds that kept us together. When the colonizers saw the strength of our spirituality, they tried to destroy Indian religions by making them illegal. Our colonizers recognized that it was our spirituality that maintained our spirit of resistance and sense of community. Many white New Age ‘feminists,’ such as Lynn Andrews, are continuing this practice of destroying Indian spirituality. They trivialize Native American practices so that these practices lose their spiritual force. They have the white privilege and power to make themselves heard at the expense of Native Americans. (Lynn Andrews’ books have sold more than all books by Native writers combined). Consumers like what many of these writers have to tell and do not want to be concerned with the facts presented by Native Americans. Our voices are silenced, and consequently, the younger generation of Indians who are trying to find their way back to the Old Ways become hopelessly lost in this morass of consumerist spirituality.” Addressing this problem of New Age exploitation and expropriation of Native culture is a group dedicated to preserving and revitalizing Native American spiritual practices and religious traditions, called Center for the SPIRIT (Support and Protection of Indian Religions and Indigenous Traditions) Box 17002, Oakland, CA 94601 (510) 535–0505. Another active group is Alliance of Native Americans (ANA) (213) 871–2941.
Probable benefits ahead for Natives through new UN standards.
It is expected that in 1993, the United Nations Human Rights Committee will have developed International Law Standards to protect indigenous people of North, South and Central America. This creates a binding International Treaty on how to treat Natives and is an International Code to allow tribes to regain rightful Sovereign Status and guaranteed recognition as Free Nations by the World Community.
Native Americans are reclaiming their land.
The Pope-issued, “Doctrine of Christian Discovery” granted legal sanction of white men to commit genocide and help themselves to taking land from non-Christian, indigenous peoples around the world. Los Angeles has the largest population of Indians (est. 100,000). They are referred to as “Landless Indians” though they claim “Legal Title to most of the land” in America. Native Americans are uniting in legal battles to recover much of their land. By succeeding, this helps them re-establish their cultural connection to the past and gain recognition as valid nations.
Books: Churchill/Wall: Agents of Repression, S. Stiener: The New Indian, V. Deloria: The Nations Within, Bruce Johansen: Forgotten Founders, M. Jaimes: The State of Native American, Baxendale/McClaine: This Land is Our Land. Newspapers: Burning Spear (Box 27205, Oakland, CA 94602) and Akwesasne Notes (Mohawk Nation via Rooseveltown, N.Y. 13683)
Almost all African-Americans have “Indian blood!
The history of the formidable “Black Indians” is almost totally unwritten. The first paths to freedom taken by runaway slaves led to Native American villages where Blacks found a Red hand of friendship and an accepting adoption system and culture. Black Indians by William Katz documents the remarkable history of the descendants of Native
American/African unions in North, Central and South America, including the powerful African-Seminole Alliance in Florida that fought the U.S. Army, Navy and marines to standstill for 40 years. It reveals that “Today just about every African-American family tree has an Indian brand… Europeans forcefully entered the African blood stream, but Native Americans and Africans merged by choice, invitation, and love.”
Africans ruled widely in Europe for over 1400 years!
Shocking, isn’t it! It started with Septimus Severus and ended with the Moors. To summarize:
* Black rulership of the Roman Empire began in 193 A.D. with African born, Roman Emperor Septimus Severus, a full blooded African. There were four other Black emperors after the Severus dynasty.
* Often called the father of military strategy, Hannibal, another full blooded African/Asiatic/Original Man, performed the astounding feat of crossing the Alps on elephants in 218 B.C. With only 26,000 of his original force of 82,000 troops remaining, Hannibal defeated Rome, the mightiest military power of the age, who had a million men, in every battle for the next fifteen years. His tactics are still taught in leading military academies of the U.S., Europe and other lands.
* Black rulership was widespread in Europe during the “Dark” and Middle Ages!
* An African king named Gormund, ruled Ireland during the Anglo-Saxon period in England, reports the medieval historian, Geoffrey of Monmouth.
* Halfdan the Black, who was Africoid, was the first king to unite Norway.
* When the British Isles were invaded by the Vikings some of these Norse raiders were Africoid. In fact different varieties of ‘Viking’ Africans lived in Scandinavia during the Middle ages and are frequently mentioned in Viking sagas.
* There were Black Huns! The dictionary describes the Huns as “a fierce barbaric race of Asiatic nomads who, led by Attila, ravaged Europe in the 4th and 5th centuries A.D.” The Gothic writer Jordannes described their infamous leader, Attila the Hun as having “a flat nose and swarthy complexion.” He describes the types of Huns he had seen as “of dark complexion, almost black… broad shoulder, flat noses and small eyes.”
* The African Moors dominated southwest Europe during the Middle Ages for 700 years: 711–1492 A.D. (se page 6)
Europe’s royal families descended from Black/mulatto rulers!
This makes sense when you know that African’s ruled Europe for 1400 years. Africans introduced the concept of royalty to the European who were initially uncivilized barbarians. African ancestry in the Europeans is well documented in Nature Knows No Color Line by J.A. Rogers. To list a few: the Black Queen Charlotte Sophie — the grand daughter of Queen Victoria — who was also the consort of George III and the great, great grandmother of Louis XVI. Jean Baptiste Bemadotte who founded the present day royal Swedish family. The Medicis, the Gonzagas, the Duchess of Alafoes, St. Hilaire — son of Louis XV … this is why some of Europe’s oldest royal/noble families are called the “Black Nobility” though they are “white”?
There are no “pure whites”. Race purity is a big myth.
Europeans and their “white Americans” descendants have much African blood from centuries of miscegenation with Africans:
* That’s why Spaniards, Greeks and Italians are so dark.
* African Moors ruling southwest Europe centuries, darkened whites in this area, especially Portal, which was “the first example of a Negrito (African) republic in Europe.” Moors ruling Scotland in the 10th century mixed with whites until they disappeared.
* Black Celts (Silures) and Black Vikings mixed with the Scandinavia people. * The black blood type is common even in Nordic Europe where intermixing has been happening since antiquity.
* Even Hitler’s family had some Black blood, reports the New York Times 7/1/40. The Huns included Black Mongolians who mixed heavily with the ‘Aryan Germans.’
* Black slavery lasted in England for about 400 years (1440–1834), during which time much intermixing occurred. For details on Europe’s African history / ancestry in whites: Ivan Van Sertima: African Presence in Early Europe, J.A. Rogers: Nature Know No Color Line and Sex and Race (all volumes), Edward Scobie Black Britannia, and David MacRitchie: Ancient and Modern Britons.
* Wise men of African’s Dogon tribe baffles scientists with their accurate, advanced technical knowledge of celestial bodies such as the invisible white dwarf star, Sirius B, only recently discovered by science. They even accurately told the composition of the moon in 1946, decades before the first moon landing! (Marcel Griaule Conversations with Ogotemmeli)
* Modern Inventions of Blacks are many, including: Automatic Transmission — Air Conditioning — Multiple Stage Rocket — Turbine Engine — Toilet — Traffic Lights. Numerous Blacks contributed to development of Micro Computers and the Atom Bomb. Details; Van Sertima Blacks in Science for quick review; Ersky Freeman: 1001 Black Inventions Supplement.
The Legendary super-civilization of “Mu” (Lemuria) was Black.
Preceding all early civilizations was the legendary Lost Continent of Mu, said to be the first advanced civilization of man on Earth. Mus flourished over 70,000 years ago before sinking beneath the Pacific Ocean 12,000 years ago in a world cataclysm according to legend. Their descendants are said to be primarily the people of the South Seas and Oceania. In Hawaii, there’s one island where only pure-blooded Hawaiians live. They have full Africoid features, dark skin and wooly hair! In 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro J. Rogres states “…the people of … Negro descent living in Asia and Oceania probably exceed in the number the present Negro population of Africa. The purest Negro types are in Southern Asia.”
* Atlantis, another super legendary civilization after Mu, is believed to be the ancestors of the Red Race. Books on Mu and Atlantis say that both achieved a level of technology superior to modern technology and that the misuse of technology, especially in Atlantis, ultimately destroyed them.
* Mu is said to be the original parent of earliest world cultures… and this partly explains the amazing similarities between ancient world cultures. The Egyptian historian, Manetho gave a history of Egypt’s dynasties that goes back at least 24,927 years (to time of Mu and Atlantis). In Plato’s Republic, an Egyptian priest may be referring to the destruction of Mu and Atlantis when he states “There have been many destructions of mankind… you remember a single deluge only.” There is abundant worldwide archaeological, mythological and geological evidence which “proves” that an advanced, ancient super- civilization once thrived in the central Pacific. Ancient underwater cities have already been discovered in the Pacific Ocean! (Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria and the Pacific by David Childress; The Lost Continent of Mu and other books by James Churchward)
Were the Lemurians Pygmies?
Legends around the world, from Ireland to Japan speak of the earliest inhabitants of their land as being “small blacks” or “dark dwarfs.” The original Irish “leprechauns” were in fact, pygmies! The ancient Egyptians spoke of the “Twa people” — small brown men who were early inhabitants on earth. Presenting a fascinating account of Lemuria and Atlantis, the inspired Right Use of Will by Ceanne DeRohan, reports “the Lemurians were small and brown.” In Pygmy Kitabu Jean-Pierre Hallet documents the amazing pygmies of Zaire, “the world’s most genetically pure ethnic group… surviving since the dawn of mankind in real harmony with God, nature and each other.” Pygmy bones are found all over earth. Albert Churchward’s Signs and Symbols of the Primordial Man talks about the many ancient exoduses of Black out of Africa to other parts of the world. Some Africans must have returned to Africa since many African tribes assert that their ancestors came from the East [Mu?] (J.A. Rogers in 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro p. 22, quoting a French author)
Stonehenge was build by “small Africoid people!”
Pygmies, that is! This well documented by two European authors; David MacRitchie: The Testimony of Tradition, and Gerald Massey who exhaustively explored the Nile Valley origins of British culture in the first volume of his Book of Beginnings. Ancient megalithic structures are also found throughout the Black South Pacific Islands.
Whites have done to “Original Christianity” what they’ve done to true history!
Like HIS-story, the white man’s Christianity is False Christianity! The Original Christianity of the Original Christians and Original Biblical Books has been greatly changed, distorted, censored and reconstructed by whites into a False Christianity which serves as a “weapon” and the primary pillar of global white supremacy. (See page 27) Consider these facts:
* Major altering and censoring of Biblical books were accomplished at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. In addition, whole books were deleted from the Bible. Evidence of missing Biblical books exists within the Bible itself! These included the books of Jasher, Nathan, Shemaiah, Iddo and Jehu — referred to in Nm. 21:14 /Josh. 10:13 / II Sam. 1:18 / I Chr. 29:29 / and II Chr. 9:29, 12:15, 20:34. The Bible in its original form was the product of an African people. Though it has been greatly “messed” with by whites, much truth is still available when you know true history.
The original early Christians were the Essenes, a Jewish sect in Palestine.
* Jesus was an Essene. The earliest images of Jesus, his Mother, disciples and Biblical characters, appear for the first time in the catacombs of Rome where these early Christians (Essenes) buried their dead. They are portrayed Black. These Essenes in fact, were the “early Christians” who were brutally persecuted by the white Romans and often fed to the lions for entertainment!
* The Original Christians Church was also African (Ethiopian). Its original African founders and early saints were often martyred when this church was usurped by the whites who replaced it with their counterfeit Roman Catholic Church.
* The Dead See Scrolls exposes knowledge concealed by white False Christianity. They prove that Christianity was an outgrowth of Essenism. In The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Life of the Ancient Essenes, Dr. R. Bernard writes “These scrolls reveal knowledge hidden from the world ever since the Alexandrian library was burnt by the Roman churchmen in order to purposely destroy it, because they considered it dangerous to the existence and survival of the new religion (False Christianity) which they elaborated by alteration of the original doctrines taught by the Essenes centuries previously.”
* Jesus “lost” years were deliberately concealed by Roman churchmen, along with most of the deeper, esoteric teachings of Original Christianity which included reincarnation and karma. Fragments of these teachings remain in the Bible, for example: John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah (Elias) the Prophet (Mt. 11:11–14, Mal. 4:5). There is evidence that during Christs’s “lost” years, he traveled/studied in Egypt and India where the early Christians went for advanced education. For light on Jesus’ hidden years/teachings; Levi: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.
* The Christian Madonna is copied from the Egyptian Madonna. Worshiped in Egypt and Rome, Black Isis and Horus her son was the model for the worship of the Madonna and Christ. Millions of whites worship the Black Madonna and Christ, found in Europe’s most
venerated shrines (formerly the sites of temples of Isis). Titles such as Our Lady, The Great Mother, are the same titles attributed to Isis. The word “Madonna” itself is from the mater domina, a title used for Isis!
* The word Christ is from Krishna (Christna). Krishna was a great avatar (savior) in India 3000 years before Jesus. The name of the historical man was Jehoshua (or Jeshua), not Jesus.
* Jesus, the Panther? An original name for Jesus was “Jehoshau Ben Pandira” which means “Jesus, son of the Panther!” (Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine) Even the Bible refers to him as “the Lion of the tribe of Juda.” (Rv. 5:5) Jesus in fact, was a “Black nationalist freedom fighter.. whose goals were to free the Black people of that day from the oppressive … white Roman power structure and to build a Black nation.” (I Barashango) Schoenfield reports in The Passover Plot p 194: “Galilee, were Jesus had lived… which was the home of the Jewish resistance movement, suffered particularly. The Romans never ceased night and day to devastate… pillage [and kill].” In The Black Messiah p.91, Rev. A.B. Cleage Jr. writes that Jesus was a revolutionary “who was leading a [Black] nation into conflict against an [white] oppressor… It was necessary that he be crucified because he taught revolution.” Jesus states “I have not come to send peace, but a sword.” (Mt. 10:34)
* The world has had sixteen crucified saviors, all with virgin births, accompanied by stars and other wonders. These saviors PREDATED Jesus by thousands of years! Read The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviros by Kersey Graves.
* Christianity existed long before Christ! — well documented in John Jackson’s Christianity Before Christ. Many Bible stories, traditions, special words were copied from Egypt, Sumer, India and other cultures. Examples: The word hell is from “hel” (in dictionary), the underworld of the Norse myths. The word Amen is from Egypt. The word EL or Al (in Michael, Gabriel, Daniel, Elohim) was the Canaanite name for God. The original cross used by the early Christians was the Egyptian ANKH, a looped cross which symbolizes everlasting life. The white man’s false replacement- the crucifix, is a symbol of death. (see page 27)
Other revealing books: I Barashango: God, The Bible and The Black Man’s Destiny, T. Doane: Bible Myths, G. Higgins: Anacalypsis, Ysuef ben-Jochannan: African Origins of Major Western Religions, D. Dudley: History of the First Council of Nice. The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden.
The Renaissance was the “White-aissance!” during which Europeans massively whitewashed African history.
It’s an ironic shame that such whitewashing should take place at this time since it was Africans (Moors) that sparked the Renaissance in the first place! The Catholic Church, using Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci and other artists, was the chief culprit! An overview of the profoundly wicked history of the Catholic Church and its Popes is
presented in Deceptions and Myths of the Bible by Lloyd Graham. The surviving art which escaped whitewashing, often portrays rulers, famous figures and armies of knights as Black as they can be. A good source of such art are “Icon” art books like Russian Icons available at most art museums. Also at the library you may find art books on these periods, and if you look carefully through them, you will usually find one or two stray pieces of Black evidence that ‘escaped’ the Renaissance’s whitewashing.
Whites are trapped in “illusions of greatness” by false history.
* Whites have committed a grand theft and massive coverup of true history.
* This coverup keeps most white Americans ignorant of the truth about themselves! In Message to the White Man and Woman in America: Yacub and the Origins of White Supremacy, Dr. Dorothy Fardan, a white member of the Nation of Islam writes: “This ignorance and rejection of history allows Whites to continue in illusions of greatness and white supremacy that can only be eliminated by unfolding the layers of rejected history. What most white people pail to understand is that they too have been denied access to the true history which undergirds their present life, and in the absence of truth fail to gain knowledge of themselves. In rejecting ‘Black history’ ..they have rejected the truth of themselves and the crucial key to unlocking the doors to both the past and present, and therefore, any clear path towards the future. Speaking on how whites are trapped in a false history they do not understand,” she continues: “What history are Caucasians trapped in then? It is a historical vacuum; a chunk of time which has been severed from its origin point and reconstructed in terms of fabricated accounts and falsified documents. Such an historical and truncated world-view has allowed the illusion of white supremacy to become not only a general mind-set, but an insidious underlying strategy which informs and constitutes every institution within American society. This mind set, which has no grounding in the origins of human presence, no recognized connection to the first civilizations of human beings nor the wisdom accumulated in those civilizations (except for what was stolen and/or rethought and rewritten) is a mind-set trapped. While the Europeans took what they needed and wanted from the original people in Africa to form the foundations of Western civilization, they simultaneously denied and rejected that very source. What occurred was a deliberate effort to cover up, conceal and alter the true origins of human life, in order to establish a supremacists world-view and eventually a civilization which recognized no liability for or answerability to the laws of nature embedded in the universe as well as in human nature.”
Whites have done a phenomenal job of stealing, falsifying and whitewashing history!
Napoleon spoke truth when he stressed “History is a lie agreed upon.” And Hitler said “The bigger the lie… the more people will believe it.” History is “his” story, or the white man’s story (his lies), but the truth is coming to light and the great white Lies and deceptions are being exposed as the minds and hearts of humanity reawaken in the increasing light of a new dawn.
For an excellent overview of suppressed African history: What they Never Told You in History Class, by Indus Khamit-Kush
Free Your Mind, Return to the Source: African Origins video by Dr. Asa Hilliard (404) 762–6604
Malcolm X on Afro-American History When Black Men Ruled the World and other videos by LeGrand Clegg (310) 631–2661
Stolen Legacy by James, G.M. George
The Destruction of Black Civilization by Chancellor P. Williams
From the Browder File by Anthony Browder
The African Origin of Civilization by Cheikh Anta Dip
100 Amazing Facts About the Negro and other books by J.A. Rogers
All books by Ivan van Sertima from Journal of African Civilizations at Rutgers University (908) 932–1766
African Presence in Early Asia by Ivan Van Sertima and Runoko Rashidi A Guide to the Study of African Classical Civilizations by Runoko Rashidi Adam
The Altaic Ring and “The Children of the Sun”, Mo, and A Black Man’s Bible by James R. Granger Jr.
Message to the White Man and Woman in America: Yacub and the Origins of White Supremacy by Dorothy Fardan
Sources for the books listed in this document (see page 35 for full list): * Eso-Wan Books: 900 N. LaBrea St, Inglewood CA (310) 674–6566
* Marcus Books: Oakland CA (510) 652–2344 at 3900 Martin Luther King Wy / San Francisco (415) 346–4222 / 1712 Fillmore
* Shrine of the Black Madonna (Books, Cultural Centers): Atlanta GA (404) 752–6125 at 946 Ralph D. Abernathy Blvd. / Houston TX: (713) 645–1071 at 5309 Martin Luther King Blvd. / Detroit MI (313) 491–0777 at 13535 Livernois