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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Process Of Repentance Explained As Moral Beauty | Psalms 51:17


  • Psalms 51:17 | The sacrifices of YAHAWAH are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O YAHAWAH, thou wilt not despise.

Those who suppress moral beauty by avoiding all discussion, all reflection about the matter, and seeking pleasure, absence of pain, simple and primitive physical enjoyments, the irreflective inclinations of body and soul, are not more fortunate; for they commit a double fault, by reducing the good of the soul and its superior functions to the level of that of the body, and in raising the good of the body to the high level due to the good of the soul.”

What the author (Philolaus the Pythagorean, who were Israelites) is touching on in the lines above is concerning the concept of “moral beauty”. Moral beauty is another way to think about the process of repentance. One of the fastest ways to kill this process is through the distraction of electronic stimulation i.e. television, computers, mobile phones, etc.

My working theory (that can observed, woven throughout various articles posted) is that all negative events, feelings, interactions, etc. experienced are a reflection of unrepented sin. This sin can be from the current life or a past one. The various negativity will keep repeating itself until it is repented for. By extension everything seen and experienced in the world around a person (people, places, situations, news, etc.) is a sum total of his or her actions across all generations.

Thus, repenting is as simple and as difficult, as accepting the negative experience is a reflection of self and repenting for. The easiest way to start is to accept (as oppose to resisting the event) as a divine judgement, sit with and process the feelings for a moment and then seek to related it to a time you were on the perpetrating end OR why you could ever deem such an experience as acceptable (in the case of the sin coming from a prior life). A warning: THIS CAN BE A VERY PAINFUL PROCESS.

To give a hint towards reaching greater heights of repentance or getting otherwise “stuck” processing complex “issues”–pre-flood we became fallen divinities that delighted in ripping out the tongues of heathen who gave the just the slightest of offenses, in other incarnations some of us were samurai who killed men, women & children of the heathen just to test the sharpness of a new katana (regardless of the land pick whatever wicked equivalent that fits the location of your lineage). This is partly why Yahawah permits Edom & the other heathen nations to commit atrocities against out nation.

  • 2 Maccabees 7:4 | Which forthwith being heated, he commanded to cut out the tongue of him that spake first, and to cut off the utmost parts of his body, the rest of his brethren and his mother looking on.

ARTICLE: The Last Period In History We Ruled, Our Ancestors Fell Into Depravity, We Are Required To Repent For This

If various wickedness enters into your life (even as seemingly benign as an atrocity that takes place halfway across the world), past lives is something to consider. The more responsibility you take the more you will start to be granted to memories and feelings from past lives.

From Fragments of Philolaus the Pythagorean. PDF DOWNLOAD LINK

And since, in everything, you must first consider the end, — for that is what is done by the pilots ever meditating over the harbor wither they are to land the ship, and the drivers who keep their eye on the goal of their trip, the archers and slingers who consider their objective, for it is the objective towards which all their efforts must tend, — virtue must necessarily undertake an objective, which should become the art of living; and that is the name I give it in both directions it can take. For practical life, this objective is improvement; for the philosophical life, the perfect good; which, in their human affairs the sages call happiness. Those who are in misery are not capable of judging of happiness according to exact ideas; and those who do not see it, clearly, would not know how to choose it. Those who consider that pleasure is the sovereign good are punished therefore by foolishness, those who above all seek the absence of pain, also receive their punishment, and, to resume all, to define life-happiness as the enjoyment of the body, or in an unreflective state of soul is to expose himself to all the whirlwinds of the tempest. Those who suppress moral beauty by avoiding all discussion, all reflection about the matter, and seeking pleasure, absence of pain, simple and primitive physical enjoyments, the irreflective inclinations of body and soul, are not more fortunate; for they commit a double fault, by reducing the good of the soul and its superior functions to the level of that of the body, and in raising the good of the body to the high level due to the good of the soul. By an exact discernment of these goods, we should outline its proper part for the divine element, and for nature. They themselves do not, observe this relation of dignity from the better to the worse. But we do so, when we say that if the body is the organ of the soul, reason is the guide of the entire soul, the mistress of the body, this tent of the soul and that all the other physical advantages should serve only as instruments to the intellectual activity, if you wish it to be perfect in power, duration and wealth.




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