17.1 F
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

CBDC’s and passport etc form the infrastructure for the MOTB system | Rev 13:16


Rev 13:16 | And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Sir 12:10 Never trust thine enemy: for like as iron rusteth, so is his wickedness.

Headed for a Digital Concentration Camp – Catherine Austin Fitts

Source: USA Watchdog

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the central bankers want nothing short of “a complete digital control system.”  CAF explains, “We have what we have been building for the last 20 or 30 years, and it’s getting much more obvious, but it’s been covert most of the time.  They basically want digital control systems through the financial system, through the health system and government systems to implement control.  That control is delivered one person at a time.  You have extraordinary surveillance systems that have been built steadily for decades that are basically tracking everyone. . . . That’s why the ‘vaccine passports’ and ‘central bank digital currencies’ (CBDC) are so dangerous.  It’s important to understand what they are trying to do.  They are trying to create complete transaction control.  If they don’t want you going five miles from your home, your electric car will not work more than five miles from your home. . . . If they don’t want you to buy pizza, your credit card will not allow you to buy pizza.  They are talking about putting in extraordinary digital control systems and literally turning your car and your home into a digital concentration camp.”

How do you fight back to this digital tyranny?  CAF explains, “You fight back by saying No.  Do not comply.  What we are seeing around the world is that the places where people refuse to comply, it’s not working.  The mandates are not working, and the passports are not working where people say no.  You are not going to control me.  You are not going to tell me where I can and cannot go.  I am not going along.  You have to massively not comply.”

One good way to not comply is to use good old fashion cash for every transaction you can.  CAF says, “You need to hold onto your cash because once the system goes all digital, that’s when you can convert to the digital concentration camps.  If the system stays cash and more and more people use cash, the perfect system is part cash and part digital because cash can’t be controlled. . . . What we are looking for is decentralization, and decentralization comes with cash and it comes with coin.”

As far as the CV19 “plandemic,” CAF says, “I don’t think depopulation is the only goal, and that is certainly what has been happening.  The proof that that is happening is when the data started coming in about how bad the deaths and injuries were–they didn’t stop it or change it.  They continued to double down on more and more effort on mandating when they knew the adverse events and deaths are very, very significant.”

CAF says there are many ways to fight back, and she talks about those strategies in the interview that is nearly 48 min. long.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Publisher of The Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts. (1.15.22)

After the Interview: 

There is much free information on Solari.com.



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