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Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Northern Kingdom Of Israel Ephraim Reuben Simeon Gad Asher Naphtali Issachar Zebulon Manasseh

Up Until The Last Hundred Years, It Was Common Knowledge That The Native Americans Were The Northern Kingdom Israelites | Luke 8:17

View of the Hebrews (Or The Tribes Of Israeli In America) is an 1823 book written by Ethan Smith, a United States Congregationalist minister,...

American Indians Are Northern Kingdom Israelites | Baruch 2:30

American Indians such as the Navajo, Cherokee, Blackfeet, Creek / Muskogee, Iroquois / Haudenosaunee, Pueblo, Apache, Choctaw, Chippewa / Ojibwe, Sioux, etc. are Israelites...

Shalawam, New Moon Day: 1/21/2023 Sundown to 1/22/2023 Sundown | Testament Of Issachar, Patriarch

More Information At The Link In The Top Menu, Also Posted Here: When Is The Sabbath? Photo Background: Familia Mexicana   Many modern day Mexicans are Israelites,...

How the Northern Kingdom’s 10 Tribes Came To The North, South and Central Americas | 2 Esdras 13

How & when the 10 Tribes of the Northern Kingdom came to the Americas as recorded by the prophet Ezra in 2nd Esdras (Hellenized...

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Issachar

Tribe of Issachar Yashashakar = “He is Hired” Modern Day Byword: Aztecs/Mexicans/North Americans/Hispanics/Spics/Wetbacks/Latinos Issachar was the 9th born son of Jacob. His mother was Leah Jacobs 1st...

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Manasseh

Tribe of Manasseh MANASHAH = “Made to Forget” Manashah was the 1st born son of Joseph; his Father Jacob adopted Manashah as his own son and...

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Naphtali

Tribe of Naphtali Napathalaya = “My Wrestling” Modern Day Bywords: Chileans/Argentinians/South Americans/Natives/Indians/Injuns/Savages Nephtali was the 6th born son of Jacob. His mother Bilhah was a handmaiden to...

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Asher

Tribe of Asher AHSHAR = “Happy” Modern Day Bywords: Incas/Ecuadorians/Bolivians/Paraguayans/Venezuelans/Peruvians/Brazilians/South Americans/Natives/Indians/Injuns/Savages Brazil also contains a large number of Israelites from the Southern Kingdom "Afro-Brazilians" as a result...

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Gad

Tribe of Gad Gad = “Troop” Gad was the 7th born son of Jacob. His mother was Zilpah who, Leah’s handmaiden. The Tribe of Gad was...

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Reuben

Tribe of Reuben RAAHWABAN = “See it’s a son” Modern Day Byword: Seminole Indians/Native Americans/Indians/Injuns/Savages/Red Skins Reuben was the 1st born son of Jacob. His mother was...

Modern Day 12 Tribes – Ephraim

Tribe of Ephraim AHPARYAM = “I Am Fruitful” Modern Day Byword: Puerto Ricans/Hispanic/Spics/Latinos/Wetbacks/Caribbeans Ephraim was the 2nd born son of Joseph, his Father Jacob adopted Ephraim as...
