17.1 F
Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Skin Color Black Melanin Leprosy White Blond

Shabbat Shalawam Singapore, China & Indonesia, Many Of You Are Actually Israelites | Romans 2:26

Shabbat Shalawam Singapore & Indonesia (sundown 7/1/2023 to 7/2/2023 sundown). As it is written and prophesied Israelites, our brothers and sisters, are scattered to...

Dry Fast Podcast: Day 3 Night Update

Dry Fast Podcast Testimonial & Experience Topics covered include what chapped lips mean, able to smell certain impurities in water, the importance of sunlight to...

Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome ( CFS / CFIDS ) Is A Hell Caused By Mold, Fungus and Yeast That Has Overtaken The Body...

VIDEO: Typical Black Mold Experience Know that there are less costly and effective solutions than a hyperbaric chamber. Towards they end they speak on boron/borax,...

American Indians Are Northern Kingdom Israelites | Baruch 2:30

American Indians such as the Navajo, Cherokee, Blackfeet, Creek / Muskogee, Iroquois / Haudenosaunee, Pueblo, Apache, Choctaw, Chippewa / Ojibwe, Sioux, etc. are Israelites...

Shabbat Shalawam: 1/28/2023 Sundown to 1/29/2023 Sundown | Many Italians Are Israelites + Andrew Tate Family Photo Analysis

More information about the Sabbath posted at the link in the top menu and here: When Is The Sabbath? Photo of an Italian couple: Many Italians...

Shabbat Shalawam: 1/19/2023 Sundown to 1/20/2023 Sundown

More Information At The Link In The Top Menu, Also Posted Here: When Is The Sabbath? Photo Background: Cameroon Traditional Wedding Difficult roads often lead to beautiful...

The Messiah, Yahawashi, Was Born With Melanated Skin, Not Leprosy | Numbers 12:12

The eyebags in the image above are a BAD look, righteous people generally do not have those.... ARTICLE: Physical Manifestation Of Sins On The Body   ...

Shabbat Shalawam: 1/12/2023 Sundown to 1/13/2023 Sundown

More Information At The Link In The Top Menu, Also Posted Here: When Is The Sabbath? Photo Backstory: BellaNaija Weddings presents #StephMiTiDe1617 x #SoMykonos17 Stephanie Coker...

Healing Leprosy, Restoring Melanin Production By Arnold Ehret | 2 Kings 5:27

Cover Image Excerpt from page 72 PDF Download: Mucusless Diet Healing System: Scientific Method of Eating Your Way to Health Leprosy is an affliction of varying...

Israelites Have Rhythm, Hamites Don’t, We Are Not So-Called “Africans” (This is an African/Hamite) | Act 21:38

Most West Africans are Israelites, East Africans are more likely to be Hamites; however, as it is written in the Bible, Israelites were confused...

“Japanese” and “Portuguese” Israelites That Look Like The Heathen (non-Israelite) Nations | Deuteronomy 28:64

Here are 2 examples of an Israelite strangers from Japan and Portugal, that look like they are of the heathen nations. By Israelite strangers...

Example Of A So-Called White Man That Is An Israelite But Looks Like An Edomite | Romans 8:16

At the link below is an example of an Israelite that looks like an Edomite--he gets some things wrong and some things right in...

Leperous (white) Hand of Moses | Exo 4:6

Leprousy is described as white skin, yellow hair and low follicle count, throughout the first books of the Bible. Leprousy is desribed as a...

Leprosy Reversal? | Lev 13:3

One recently publicized case involves Covid (doubtful) the other involves a liver transplant. Both possibly Israelites, who knows. A sign and a wonder to...

Israelite Heritage is NOT Based on Skin Color | Jeremiah 12:19

Although skin color, facial features and other outward appearances etc. may be suggestive of Israelite heritage, it is by means a no guarantee of...
